WSL2 Backup to OneDrive Cloud
WSL2 provides great disk performance, but it requires storing the files separately in a virtual disk that is not accessible by OneDrive. WSL2 can be backed up with wsl –export Debian to a VHD or TGZ, but that is a complete disk backup of 20gb or more – not scalable for hourly backups.
With this approach, we use Windows Task Scheduler to trigger robocopy
incrementally sync directories from WSL2 to Onedrive’s native FS, so incremental
copies are fast ( 1 s per 10k files), and OneDrive sync time remains negligible.
It’s also useful for snapshotting subdirectories to TGZ for offline or cloud archiving.
is a built-in tool that recognizes file size & modification times to
copy changes incrementally.
param is used to exclude node_modules
(wasteful JS library artifacts)
This script syncs a project directory /home/USERNAME/sotion
within WSL2 to
on Windows
# backup wsl contents on a schedule
# set & truncate $logfile
if ((Get-Item $logfile).length -gt 128000){
Remove-Item $logfile
$dest=$(Join-Path ${env:OneDrive} "Documents\Sotion")
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "Backup-WSL" -EventID 3001 -Message "Starting Backup"
robocopy $src $dest /W:1 /R:0 /E /xd node_modules /NFL /NDL /LOG+:$logfile
$delta =($t1-$t0)
$message="Finished Backup. Duration = $delta"
if($exitcoderobo -ne 0){
$message="ERROR: Finished Backup. Backup failed. Duration = $delta . Check $logfile for error"
Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "Backup-WSL" -EventID 3001 -Message $message
exit $exitcoderobo
Trigger the script to test
pwsh --noprofile backup-wsl\backup-wsl.ps1
Create the Scheduled Task
$time = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 2pm
$user = (whoami)
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "${env:ProgramFiles}\PowerShell\7\pwsh.exe" -Argument "-noninteractive -nologo -noprofile $HOME\scripts\backup-wsl\backup-wsl.ps1"
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Backup-WSL" -Trigger $Time -User $User -Action $action
Trigger the script to create the task schedule
pwsh -noprofile .\backup-wsl\schedule-backup.ps1
Create the Event Log
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source "Backup-WSL"
Runs are logged to Windows Event Viewer. You can view them using the Event Viewer app or Get-EventLog
> get-eventlog -Source backup-wsl -LogName Application -Newest 1 |Select-Object message
ERROR: Finished Backup. Backup failed. Duration = 00:00:01.8787580 . Check C:\Users\xxx\backup-wsl.log.txt for err…