Benchmarking Pihole : Pi Zero vs Pi 3b+

Posted on Tue 23 April 2019 in iot • Tagged with raspberrypi, go

Here's a benchmark comparing pi-hole running on a Pi Zero (with USB ethernet) vs a Pi 3b+.

tl;dr There was negligible performance difference for blocked domains, but a measurable difference in mean for forwarded + cacheable domains. Although the Pi 3b+ has a 11ms better mean response time for forwarded queries, the P95 for pi zero is better in both blocked and forwarded queries.

I would recommend using the Pi Zero.


Prior to the experiment, I assumed that the pi zero would be 30-50% slower in all cases, and that stddev would be larger (worse & more erratic latencies).

Hardware …

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Using AWS IOT To Arm Blink Cameras

Posted on Sat 16 December 2017 in iot • Tagged with iot, lambda, security, tutorial, aws

Blink security cameras are an affordable home security camera system. Although they lack a formal public API, inventive devs have reverse-engineered their private API to allow for better integration.

Here we'll use AWS IOT Core, Lambda and node-blink-security to arm and disarm Blink security cameras using an AWS IOT Button.

Activating Your IOT Button

The IOT Button must be configured to your account, which includes joining it to your wifi access point, and installing the client certificates.

The easiest way to perform activation is by using the AWS IOT Button App for Android or IOS. Complete instructions are found on …

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