Using AWS IOT To Arm Blink Cameras
Blink security cameras are an affordable home security camera system. Although they lack a formal public API, inventive devs have reverse-engineered their private API to allow for better integration.
Here we’ll use AWS IOT Core, Lambda and node-blink-security to arm and disarm Blink security cameras using an AWS IOT Button.
Activating Your IOT Button
The IOT Button must be configured to your account, which includes joining it to your wifi access point, and installing the client certificates.
Free SSL Certificates using ACM (AWS Certificate Manager)
2016 may be the year of free SSL, and AWS ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) is a great offering for Cloudfront & ELB users (most web apps).
Not only is it free, but it’s also the simplest certificate management platform
- request a new certificate in minutes
- no server config needed
- no certificate , chain or private key management
- automatic certificate rotation
Here’s how to create a certificate and then install it onto your cloudfront distribution.
Securing Your Network Using Auto-Updating Security Groups
We all know that no ports should be open to the internet for development purposes, but for convenience it’s common to find a security group with port 22 (SSH) open to
. Even narrower ingress rules can create backdoors.Here we’ll show you how to create an auto-updating security group that adds your active WAN IP address when you connect. This way, only your active IP is authorized.
Create the “development” security group with no ingress
aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name=development --group-description="ssh access for my dev machine"
Create a limited role that can only update this security group
Since you may want to embed this script on your router or elsewhere, it’s important to generate a restricted access key that can only do one thing Create a user and add this policy